
SNOMG: State Dept's Koh Says New Job is Like Snowstorm Cleanup

Progressives and moderates had many years under the Bush Administration to discuss and plan how they would do things differently.  So why is the Obama taking so long to implement a platform that has been waiting in the wings for (literally) years?  If you're in Washington, the State Department asks you to look out your window at the massive piles of snow and ice that have choked the city for over a week:
Harold Koh, eight months into his tenure as the top lawyer for the U.S. State Department, invoked the imagery of a snowstorm today in explaining why the Obama administration has not made as much progress on national security issues as some liberals had hoped.

“It takes a lot more time to dig out from a snowstorm than it does for the snow to fall,” Koh told a gathering of international lawyers at the Washington office of Arnold & Porter.

More at the Blog of the LegalTimes

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